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Johnnie Walker Blonde Blended Scotch Whisky 700ml

Johnnie Walker Blonde Blended Scotch Whisky 700ml


Johnnie Walker Blonde is a brighter style of whisky from Johnnie Walker, the world’s number one Scotch Whisky, designed for a generation of drinkers who are ready to try something different.


Made using bright and fruity whiskies, it has all the depth of flavour that Scotch fans would expect, but the sweeter, smoother flavours make it the perfect choice for people looking for something new.


Johnnie Walker Blonde is best served shared with great friends. It has more depth than beers, more versatility than gins and it’s more rounded than tequilas, making it ideal for those looking for something new.


Crafted with mixing in mind, Johnnie Walker Blonde is one of the most versatile whiskies created by the team at Johnnie Walker.


The sweet, bright and fruity flavours of Johnnie Walker Blonde burst into life with a kick of lemon soda, and the creamy vanilla of the whisky shines through when mixed with cola or ginger.


On the nose, there’s vanilla and toffee notes, topped with bright berries. On the palate, it’s sweet vanilla with apple, softly spiced and lightly drizzled with caramel. The finish is smooth and light.

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